Sustanable soil cultivation :
it is important

Laurent Vermersch, an innovative farmer, located in Normandy France: I teamed-up with the Aegilops Applications team this year with great pleasure and satisfaction. Ever since my ties with the initial structure, I have liked the company’s attentiveness and technological focus. Its growth, which today has resulted in must-have know-how, has also given rise to quality products that I was able to promote in 2020, despite being such a difficult year.
That is why I got in touch again with Aegilops to put into practice an approach that has been close to my heart for many years, within the framework of agricultural developments which consist in working the soil from the roots up rather than by machinery top-down.
I was looking for a nice cover crop to control soil erosion and to boost the soil microbial life. To do this, despite the incongruity of my request, I asked for a solution to agglomerate seeds of different sizes and species. I immediately had the benefit of their undivided attention and reactivity, with access to Aegilops Granulation Technology (AGT)
A few weeks later I was able to successfully plant my cover crops before harvesting wheat, distributing the granule regularly. Thanks to Aegilops company and its solution I observed a strong development my microbial life in my soil.
I hesitated to ask for it, Aegilops just did it.